Corey is the activities director in our ward. This was his very first activity in his new calling. He changed up the old and tired eat dinner and see santa ward tradition and took a chance and did "A Night in Bethlehem". Everyone dressed up in Biblical wear, got gold coins to spend at the booths (that Corey built), and ate dinner while sitting on a blanket with their family. They also had a simple nativity program with everyone singing all the favorite spiritual Christmas carols. It was a really nice evening and got me feeling the true spirit of Christmas. Thanks to my hubby for all his hard work! We didn't even miss Santa!
The Fruit booth was the young women's booth - It was so much fun to decorate a booth and I think us ladies did a splendid job. My favorite booth was the music booth (this is where you got the sheet music for the program to be able to sing along). Paul Ferguson and the missionaries were singing and acting like real street vendors - such fun personalities.