Sunday, June 22, 2008

Introducing Fudge Face II

Carlie is OBSESSED with chocolate. She wants chocolate for every meal and snack time. Pretty much everytime we allow her to have some she gets it EVERYWHERE. Therefore, she is Fudge Face #2 (Fudge Face #1 is my sister Michelle - the number one chocolate fan of all time)
Carlie loves to play dress up. She is always appearing from her room in some kind of get-up. This day she put on her dancing skirt and butterfly wings, with her minnie mouse mask (she had taken it off by the time I took a picture of her). She called herself Minnie Princess.

Carlie had her last day of preschool until next year. This cutie in the pink hoodie is her buddie Viola. Her preschool teachers put that enormous and beautiful vest on her because being the totally awesome mom that I am I didn't send a jacket to school that day and it was really cold (in the beginning of June we were still wearing winter clothes). She is SOOOOO sad, but I think I am the most upset. It was 8 hours a week of FREE & AWESOME preschool and FREE time for me.

Carlie is always trying on high heels in the stores. I think she is bummed that she has a mom that is 6'1" and doesn't have fun high heels for her to play with.
Here are some more pictures of DIVA Carlie. Ever since Berkeley was born, Carlie has morphed from sweet, laid back Carlie to Miss Attitude. She is still sweet until you tell her to do something and then WATCH OUT! Good thing she is still so gosh darn cute.

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