Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Cancer Drug Costs How Much??????

Well I had some super news yesterday. We finally got my insurance company to approve my cancer medication. I have to take a drug called Gleevec everyday for the rest of my life. The speciality pharmacy (yes regular pharmacies do not carry it) called me to tell me they got me a "great" deal (can you feel my sarcasm?). I only have to pay $700 a month (no that is not a typo) for the medication that will keep me alive. They are giving me such a bargain since without insurance (heaven help anyone who doesn't have insurance)(and I actually have pretty primo insurance - as far as insurance policies go) it would cost $3500 a month. YIKES!!! What a great choice - stay alive and not be able to afford gas & groceries OR die. Awesome. I am having such a great day. They are going to try to qualify me for help through some foundation, but I am sure I am one of those people that makes too $$ much for assistance, but still really can't afford not to have assistance. Gotta love the lemons life throws you, but hey I am still alive and that is a miracle in itself.


  1. Oh my gosh!!! That is insane. I would start applying for anything and everything. I know there are some foundations that don't look at income but I'm not sure they carry that specific drug.

    That is just so upsetting. Thank goodness you have insurance.

  2. Maybe you and your husband should stop working and than just have the government pay for everything... isn't that how it works? (that was my sarcastic remark there)... Good luck... I hopw you get what you need and like you said... being alive is the miracle.

    This is Mary Jordan bytheway... remember me from Rancho?

    Anywho... I love seeing you with your family... you guys are so cute

  3. Of Gina, I am so sorry that the cost is so high. I don't know how much lemonade you should have to make! I'm thankful that there is a drug for you but gosh, times are tough enough financially right know without this. You are in my prayers and I will start searching the internet and see if I can find any avenues for you to explore. XOXOXO

  4. okay, seriously, that just bites! As if you haven't had to deal with enough already. I must say though, I sure am glad that there is medicine like that around so that we can keep our favorite aunt Gigi around...

    We keep praying for you, and if there's ever a prayer we forget to mention your name and Maddi happens to hear it, she's the first to whisper very loudly that we "fow got to pway fow aunt gigi"

    Love you

  5. Hi,
    I was watching Good Morning America this morning and they had a story on about people who couldn't afford the medicine they needed to keep them alive. They gave an e-mail address of a company that is supposed to help you get your medicine for free. It couldn't hurt to check it out. It is: You can check out Good Morning America on the internet to read more about the story.


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