Sunday, October 3, 2010

Camp & Beads

I am the stake camp director for my church. For all my non-LDS friends this means I am in charge of a week long camp in the mountains for girls ages 12-18. It is an enormous job!!!! Anyways, I wanted the girls to earn beads for the different things they participated in (this is what my stake in Arizona did and it was so much fun). By the end of camp they would have a momento of their week and hopefully remember all the things they experienced. I also wanted them to have a necklace that would hold their daily schedule. If you look at the necklace on the left you can see the plastic protector that held their schedule. It helped SO much! All the girls always knew where they were supposed to be. Thanks to Jillaire McMillian and her hard work to get the schedule cards personalized for each was so much work and she did an outstanding job.
I spent months shopping, coming up with ideas, and making beads. I could NOT have accomplished this without AKEMI WHITELEY!!! She took my vision and worked tirelessly to create so many cute beads........she is amazing.

Here is what my front room looked like ALL summer! Girls Camp took over my life!!!!!!

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  1. We used to have those same types of necklaces when I went to camp and I loved them! Looks like you did a wonderful job with camp.

  2. I had these kinds of beads when I was in YW. I suggested it to my little sister (that is now a leader) that she should make some beads for her girls. Her stake doesn't do beads. It broke my heart a little.


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