Sunday, March 4, 2012

Drolette & Angelina: Our New Fish

Yesterday Berkeley's and Carlie's grandpa (Corey's dad - David) came and spent the day with them.  We went to lunch at Nipp's and he spoiled them with toys and gadgets and played with them all day.  BUT, the best part was he took them to buy their first fish and set it up with them.  My kids are SOOOOO excited.  They both got a female betta.  Carlie named her fish Angelina after Angelina the Ballerina.  Berkeley named his fish Drolette after his primary teacher Sister Drolette (how cute).  I took pictures of them with their grandpa and their fish yesterday.  I went to download the pics today on to my computer and realized that I am a super airhead.  I didn't have a memory card in my camera.  Not sure how I took 10 pictures
yesterday and didn't notice, but oh well.  I had the kids pose again this afternoon,
but the pictures are not as great without their grandpa.


  1. You are a MUCH cooler mom than I am. My kids have been begging me for years to get them ANY kind of pet. But I figure 5 kids is "pet" enough for me. They would love living at your house.

  2. Betas are cool! Love the pink rocks! Good luck having a pet!


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