Sunday, May 5, 2013

The B Man's Well-Child

Berkeley had his well child exam this past week a few days after his fifth birthday.  
Weight: 40.5 lbs (50th percentile)
Height: 42 1/4 inches (30th percentile)
 (he had shrunk since his last appt.....not sure who messed up on that one)

 He insisted on a close up...silly boy
 not sure who this short kids mother is.....
his favorite part?  Wearing the WAY TOO BIG hospital gown.

The doctor declared him healthy and ENERGETIC!!!!!  ummmmm....didn't need a doctor to tell me that last one.  It is a good thing he is cute because he is EXHAUSTING!!!

- is independent - wants to do things for himself...very determined to learn how to do things
- is kinda OCD....seriously
- is super strong willed
- super spunky personality
- is LOUD.  loves to scream, burp, sing, belch, basically do everything super loud.
- loves cold hot dogs and fruit
- loves to be outside on his bike
- loves to play on the iPad and iPhone
- gets in trouble EVERY day pretty much.  He does what he wants, when he wants to.
- He knows everything - or at least tells me he does all the time
- loves animals
- loves going to pre-school
- loves try to make up knock, knock jokes....they are not funny yet. 
- loves to copy his older sister, cousins, & is ridiculous.
- literally runs in circles
- gives the BEST hugs and kisses
- gets frustrated easily (need to work on this one!)
- is a wonderful helper
- loves books and learning
- wants to be like his dad....talks about how he wants to be a dad when he grows up
- wants to be a police officer when he grows up
- loves superheros, sharks, dinosaurs, music, loud stuff, trucks, cars, bikes, motorcycles, friends, & his family

and I LOVE him!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think the height discrepancy should be obvious: his hair wasn't spiked quite as high at this appointment!! : ) We had a baby shrink from the day she was born to her 2-day check-up. I think the hospital messed up, since when I told the nurse about the difference, she measured her again. oh well. She's tall now.


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