Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Sunday

My poor little guy did not really take a nap this morning before church and of course he misses his afternoon nap while we are at church. We came home after church and I made dinner and within a few minutes of destroying his burrito he was OUT! I woke him up, Corey bathed him and he went to bed at 5:30 PM!!

Corey left for his business conference in Seaside tonight so Carlie and I made these fun Mr. Potato head pumpkins that her Grandpa Aldridge had bought her. Soooo Cute!
Carlie also had her primary program at church today. Her part was, "Adam and Eve were the first family". Even though she had her part TOTALLY memorized she asked Sister Stocking for help...but she did it. She was very naughty and hardly sang any of the songs and kept poor Sister Onstott busy. She had to get a tissue and proceeded to blow and wipe her nose in the first row for about 15 minutes. Oh well, she still was pretty cute!


  1. Poor little guy looks so tired! And I wish I could have seen Carlie at Church - I don't think I would have stopped laughing. And I love the pumpkins!

  2. Awesome pumpkins. Wish I could have been there to help!


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