Wednesday, November 30, 2011

SPIRIT...You just won a not so new van!!!!

This past school year some of my teacher buddies and I decided that the climate at our school was SUPER LAME. So we created a school improvement program called SPIRIT

S - Success

P - Pride

I - Integrity

R - Respect

I - Involvement

T - Teamwork

We came up with school rules (we focused on what to do and not on what not to do) that all had to do with SPIRIT, we held monthly assemblies to recognize students and staff for all the positive things they were doing, we had contests, student of the week, student/staff of the month, SPIRIT bucks that could be earned to buy cool stuff, etc. Basically, we were trying to recognize the kids that were already doing positive things at school and we tried to motivate others to join this positive behavior and attitude movement. I could write a book on all the things we tried to do last year...some successful, some not so much.

One of the fun things we did was the ROCK STAR AWARD. To be eligible for the drawing you had to meet the following criteria for the WHOLE school year!

- 4 or less excused absences

- no referrals

- no tardies

- no incompletes (our school did not have D's or F's only INCOMPLETES)

Needless to say, only 12 kids qualified for the drawing. We had the mechanics class buy a car and fix it up. We were hoping for maybe a "cooler" car, but we played it up and a great kid won this "groovy" van.

If you are really bored you can click on the links below to see our main SPIRIT documents.

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