Sunday, October 19, 2008

Carlie O Update

Well we went to the pediatric oncologist/hematologist on Friday at OHSU/Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland for Carlie. They don't "think" she has leukemia or lymphoma, but they find her case to be puzzling. 4% of her lymph node cells are clustered together with a special marker (this is not normal - this is what cancer does). They did some blood work and a chest x-ray to verify their diagnosis of no cancer. They will call us next week with the test results. Carlie thought it was really fun to go to the hospital. We got there early so we could ride the tram up to the hospital. She called it a rocket (those of you who watch Little Einsteins can understand why she thought it was so cool to be in a rocket ship). She also got a superhero cape (some lady makes them for the kid cancer patients and a Barbie for getting her blood drawn.
The saddest part was seeing all the kids there with cancer. Most of them at various stages of baldness and weakness. I suggest everyone say a prayer for these brave and strong kids who have to endure something NO kid should have to endure. It broke my heart.
Just an interesting side note. This is where they discovered and developed my cancer drug, Gleevec.


  1. Yeah for Carlie - so sad for every kid with cancer - it breaks my heart too! I hope everything comes back well. We will keep praying for her (and all the other kids).

    And Happy Birthday Corey!

  2. I am so glad the news was good. I've been thinking about all of you. Life sure isn't very fair sometimes. We'll keep praying for negative test results for Carlie. It really is tough and so sad for all of the other kids who are so sick. I guess the blessing is that the are in a great hospital, with really great doctors and everyday there are new treatments developed that will help them survive and hopefully thrive.

  3. Hello Aldridges,

    I am so shocked by your many trials in such a short span of time. I am off to a Ladies meeting at our church and I will ask for prayer for your family.

    I am bookmarking your blog and will keep track.

  4. Hi Gina and Corey,
    Just wanted you to know that we are praying for you too. We love you guys and hope all goes well. Be brave Carlie!!!


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