Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pray for Carlie O

Here is another lemon life is throwing at my little family. I am not posting about this to freak anyone out, but I am posting because I want my little Carlie to have as many people praying for her as possible.
So here is the story...
When Carlie had her tonsils out last month the doctor did a biopsy on her lymph nodes. He sent it to the pathologist and didn't think much of it, he said it just was standard precaution. The pathologist then came back and said 4% of the cells were exactly the same size and shape which is a characteristic of cancer cells. He was confused by these findings and sent it to another pathologist in Portland for review. This pathologist's conclusions were also inconclusive and he sent it on to a pediatric pathologist specialist. This specialist was also puzzled. The next step was they were going to take the test results to their monthly board meeting to discuss with their colleagues. Our doctor kept saying no one thought it was cancer, BUT they were very puzzled.
Anyways, we had been waiting for these results when we got a phone message on Friday from the special children's hospital in Portland saying Carlie had been referred by her primary care physician and they needed to schedule her for next week. O.K. I was a little freaked out, especially since we couldn't find out anything until Monday morning since by the time we had got the message on Friday everyone was closed.
Monday arrives and Corey calls the primary care doctor and she knows nothing about it. So he calls her ENT that took her tonsils out and he is gone. So Corey calls the hospital to find out why she was referred, but they wouldn't tell him.
So Tuesday morning (today) the ENT doctor calls Corey and said he did not refer her (he would have called us if he had), BUT he had sent a question to them about what do we do now with all these inconclusive test results. They (the hospital people) in turn decided for reasons I do not know about that she needed to be seen ASAP.
So Carlie, daddy, and mommy (even though I have ZERO sick days) are going to an appointment in Portland Friday morning at 9 AM to hopefully figure out what is wrong with my baby.
I am hoping everything is fine, but I am pretty nervous.
Please pray that she is o.k.


  1. We will all be keeping her in our prayers. I hope all goes well and let me know if I can help..Poor little Carlie :(

  2. Let me know what you need - I can get on a plane ASAP if you need ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!

  3. Gina . . . I don't even know what to say except we will be praying. Let me know if we can do anything.

    You guys really have been put through the ringer these last few months. You have our thoughts, prayers, and love :)

  4. It just makes my heart ache. Luckily I haven't committed to any jobs yet so I am wide open for anything you need (ouside of work too). I am so glad that I have been able to be there to help. Somoeone somewhere knew I couldn't have a full time job yet, Gina was going to still need me. :-)

  5. Wish we could be closer to help more, but she is in our prayers!!

  6. Have been thinking about you lots today. Hope everything went well. We are anxious to hear some news.


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