Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Berkeley - Day 9 in the NICU!

Well here we are 9 days later still in the NICU. Berkeley has what is called a pneumothorax. This is where the lungs leak air into the chest cavity and a air pocket is created. This air pocket is pushing his lungs and heart to the side. The air pocket is finally getting smaller and we thought we might get released today, BUT they decided to order a CT scan today to check the lung that is underneath to make sure their was no other reason the air was not decreasing as fast as it should. The sad part of the CT scan was poor Berk needed an IV. They stuck him 10 TIMES and could not get it. His veins would not cooperate. It was soooooo sad. But, the CT scan showed that everything was great except for that stinkin' air pocket. So... maybe we will get released tomorrow, or Friday, or who knows??? The good news - he is eating and sleeping well, and super HANDSOME! I am staying at the Ronald McDonald house and spending every waking moment with the Berk MC (that is his rapper nickname). Corey is in The Dalles with Carlie - he had to go back to work. I would add more pictures, but the internet connection is not the best and it took FOREVER just to get these two cute ones from yesterday.


  1. Gina, it's great to see more pictures, he sure is cute! I'm glad everything is going well, and I will keep checking back for updates.

  2. Oh my gosh, he is super cute!!! I hope you guys get to go home soon.

  3. Gina he is so handsome! Hope to see you guys soon.

  4. He is adorable (and I think in the first picture he looks a little like Spencer). I am so glad you get to be so close and have a bed. But I know that Carlie (and Corey) misses you. Good luck! I am so glad he is doing better!

  5. Hi Gina -
    I was home last weekend and heard your boy had arrived. Congrats!! I'm glad to hear things are getting better and hope you can both go home soon. I love the name!! So distinguished! :o) I am still on the great wide house hunt. Houses here are very old, not in a good neighborhood or very new and very expensive. We have found one we like though. It is 2 blocks from the LDS church. I have never lived where I could walk to church! We made an offer and wait to see.
    Take care! Trudy

  6. I'm glad you had a minute to get some more pictures! I must say I do see some serious Braxten & Michael resemblence...but it could just be the pictures you posted. He sure is cute! Hopefully he gets to go home soon. That's always so hard when they get poked so much! I remember with Braxten it took 3 trys for his first spinal tap and 2 trys the second I feel your pain! Plus all the poking and hospital stays that we had with's just so much better when they get to come home healthy!

  7. He is very cute:) I hope every thing goes ok and you get to go home soon. Congrats.

  8. Yea, you're home!! Can't wait to see the little one in just an hour or so :)


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