Thursday, September 27, 2012

MRI Results

Here are ALL the details:

I had an MRI scheduled for this past Tuesday at 6:30 am.  Apparently they did not get the memo that I am NOT a morning person.  So I got up at the crack of dawn for my appointment.  I arrived on time (so proud of myself) and they tell me that they can't find my orders so they can't do the MRI.  I proceed to tell them that they called me to make the appointment so they must have the orders.  They looked some more - can't find them.  They tell me that all the people that could figure this paperwork problem out did not get in until 8 am.  Seriously???  I got up that early for nothing?  They then sent the MRI tech out to talk to me.  He said he would get to the bottom of it and make sure he fit my MRI in later that day.  He could tell I was not pleased (though I was being really nice) so he gave me a card for a free breakfast in the hospital cafe.  I went and pigged out on the hospital's dime and then went home.  Right before I arrived at home they called & said the paperwork was found and asked if I could make a 9 am appointment.  So I turned right back around for my MRI.  This was not like any MRI I have had before.  I laid on my stomach and my breasts hung down through 2 holes.  I had an IV for the contrast.  The MRI itself was pretty non-eventful though.  It only took 4 hours to get a 45 minute test complete.  Oh well...  When I got home I tried to go back to my normal do to stuff, but I felt yucky.  I felt like I do after my CAT scans.  The contrast doesn't make me full-on sick, but I felt bad enough that all I wanted to do was nap and lay around all I did (thanks mom).

By Tuesday evening the breast surgeon's scheduler was already calling me to schedule an appointment to discuss the MRI.   We played phone tag - got a hold of him Wednesday morning. We couldn't find a time since I was going out of town this week and the doctor was going out of town for 3 weeks starting this weekend.  We were going to have to delay the surgery - I did NOT want to do that.  Finally, I asked if there were any cancellations for that day - he found one -HOORAY!

Corey & I met with the breast surgeon and breast care coordinator.
  Here are the details from the MRI:
- They found NO cancer in my left breast
- There were NO swollen lymph nodes - this is very good news.  This does not mean for sure that the cancer hasn't spread beyond my breast, but it is a good sign.
- The cancer is all over my right breast, but there were two major areas of concern on the MRI.  It is classified as a ACR category six known malignancy.  There was an extensive area of enhancement that stretched from near the chest wall all the way to the nipple.  It measured 13 x 4 x 7.2 cm in size.  There was another area of the right breast that was showing a similar enhancement worrisome for tumor that measured 2.9 x 2.4 x 1.8 cm.  There are many other smaller areas of enhancement that all measure less than 1.0 cm scattered around the breast.
- There is a 2.2 cm lesion in my liver (I already knew about this from previous CT scans) that they believe is a cyst.  It has not grown since my last CT scan back in January.
- I still have a post-biopsy related hematoma measuring 2.4 cm in diameter.  (no wonder my breast is still swollen and sore)
Here is the plan:
- I am scheduled for a total right breast mastectomy on October 18th.  They believe this is really my only option.  The cancer is too widespread and dangerous.  Apparently the recovery for this surgery is only 2-3 weeks.  All of the pathology reports will be back about 2 weeks after my surgery.  At this time we can make a plan for treatment.
- I told him of my long time desire to get a breast reduction.  I currently wear a size 34I or J.  Before I had kids I was a 32D (much more reasonable).  They are ridiculously large.  I have horrible back issues and know that reducing the size will help my back pain.  He told me the best avenue is to do the reduction on the left breast AFTER all my treatments are over.  I will most likely start the breast reconstruction surgeries (usually takes 4 surgeries) on my right breast at the same time as the breast reduction.  It will be a long hard road.  They said the mastectomy is nothing compared to the breast reconstruction surgeries.
- I am not happy about how lopsided I will be for awhile.  This will not be fun.  But, I am EXTREMELY curious how much weight I will lose from chopping off one of the ladies.  I know I am morbid.

I can't even believe how much response I have gotten to this recent announcement of mine.  It is truly wonderful to feel so loved.
Thank you for all the support - prayers- offers of help - good vibes - and jokes (laughter is truly my favorite medicine).

As in the words of one of my friends; I will truly be a One-Boob Wonder :)

Love you ALL!!!!


  1. Gina, Gina. The best of vibes coming your way. I've been praying for you and so glad your mom is here right now. Thank-you for your update and please keep us posted.

    Lotsa love.

  2. Guess you got your Halloween costume all figured out this year ;)

    Thanks for the updates...we'll keep on prayin'


  3. So sorry you are having to go thru all of this! Wish someone could figure out what causes cancer! Seems so many people I know ate getting it. Hopefully they will figure it out soon!

  4. Oh Gina,
    I've been thinking so much about you since your last post. I love the details...I'm kind of geeky that way when it comes to medical stuff. They sell some funny shirts at the hospital where Dallas works that made me laugh when I saw them...I thought I would pass along the quotes on the front of a few of my favorites...
    "Yes, they're fake...the real ones tried to kill me"
    "New boobs, courtesy of breast cancer"
    "Pardon our appearance while we are under reconstruction"
    "My boobs are killer"
    Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Heidi Wilcox

  5. Okay, so you know that now we'll all be expecting a pre-op and post-op weight report! Not morbid at all. We've all wondered the same thing and just been afraid to say it out loud. love you!!!


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