Monday, January 2, 2012

Here's to a Healthier New Year!!

I have not made any New Year's resolutions in MANY years.  I always laugh at people who make all these goals and after about a week or two they give up.  I laugh because I was one of those people with GREAT intentions, but without the will power to follow through.
But, here I am willing to give it a try again........
So this year I am publicly announcing my New Year's Resolutions for all to see, so if I fail all can laugh & ridicule me.  I am hoping that public humiliation will be a motivator for me.

1.  Eat HEALTHIER & Exercise Regularly so I can feel good, help me deal with my arthritis better, and lose weight at a slow, sustainable rate.  I am using an app called "My Fitness Pal" where you keep track of all the food you eat and how much you exercise.  I think there is something about actually having to enter your food that makes you want to eat better.  For example, today I looked at my diet so far today and decided to eat an orange instead of some of my husband's bowl of candy.
2.  Write dad's life history and my own.  My mother-in-law is sending all her kids prompts each week to help us write the history.  My father passed away in 1997 and I have wanted to do this for A LONG time to preserve the memories of my father for my children and grandchildren.  He was the most amazing man, I miss him everyday.
3.  Apply to graduate school. 
4.  Blog at least weekly.
5.  Greatly reduce my debt

There are more things I want to do, but this is a enough for now.

Wish me luck!!


  1. I think those are great resolutions. And I always refer to the saying about if you don't write a goal down then it just becomes a wish. So the fact that you wrote it down is a huge step! Scott has started some of writing down stuff about your dad--maybe you two can coordinate your efforts :)

    Good luck!

  2. Gina those are great goals. What are you going to do for Grad school? Masters in Education? Just curious because I think about going back to school from time to time.


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